Kiyomi - girls name

Kiyomi name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 37%

Kiyomi name meaning:

The name Kiyomi is of Japanese origin and holds a beautiful meaning. In Japanese, "kiyo" is derived from the kanji character meaning "pure" or "clean," while "mi" translates to "beauty" or "beautiful." Therefore, Kiyomi can be interpreted as "pure beauty" or "beautifully pure." This name carries a sense of elegance and grace, reflecting the appreciation for natural beauty and simplicity that is often found in Japanese culture.

The name Kiyomi can also convey a deeper meaning beyond its literal translation. It represents purity of character and an inner beauty that shines through. Individuals with this name may possess qualities such as kindness, sincerity, and an innate ability to see and appreciate the beauty in the world around them. Kiyomi is a name that holds a sense of tranquility and an association with the beauty of nature, making it a cherished choice for parents seeking a name that reflects these qualities in their daughter.


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Overall UK ranking: 3519 out of 5581

6 recorded births last year

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