Keita - girls name

Keita name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 29%

Keita name meaning:

The name Keita is a unisex name with various origins and meanings across different cultures. In Japanese, Keita is typically used as a masculine given name and it means "blessed" or "fortunate." It is derived from the kanji characters "kei" meaning "celebrate" or "congratulate" and "ta" meaning "thick" or "big." In this context, Keita symbolizes a sense of happiness, prosperity, and abundance.

However, it is worth noting that Keita can also be found as a feminine given name in some African cultures, particularly in Mali and Senegal. In this context, Keita is derived from the Mandinka language and it means "girl" or "born to a noble family." This interpretation reflects the cultural significance and pride associated with noble ancestry in these regions.

Overall, the meaning of the name Keita can vary depending on the cultural background, but it generally represents positive qualities such as blessings, celebration, nobility, and good fortune.


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Overall UK ranking: 3961 out of 5581

5 recorded births last year

Change in rank

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    Regional popularity

    Ranking for this name in various UK regions

  • Scotland (1490)

Historical popularity of Keita

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