Jolanka - girls name

Jolanka name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Jolanka name meaning:

The name Jolanka is a unique and enchanting name that carries with it a sense of elegance and mystery. It is of Hungarian origin, essentially serving as a variant of the name Yolanda. The name Yolanda itself has Greek roots, derived from the word "ion", meaning "violet", and "anthe", meaning "flower". Therefore, Jolanka can be interpreted to mean “violet flower”, symbolizing innocence, purity, and a connection to nature.

Jolanka, with its melodious and gentle sound, has a feminine quality that is both classic and timeless. It evokes images of beauty and grace, much like the violet flower it represents. This name might not be widely used, which adds to its unique charm, making it perfect for parents seeking a distinctive yet meaningful name for their daughter. Over the years, Jolanka could inspire a strong yet gentle personality, intertwined with creativity and an appreciation for the beauty in the world.

Origin: German


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