Jokneam - girls name

Jokneam name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Jokneam name meaning:

Jokneam is a Hebrew name that has its origins in the Old Testament. In Hebrew, the name Jokneam means "people of the rear." It is said to symbolize those who are loyal and trustworthy, always standing behind their loved ones in support and protection. This name carries a sense of reliability and dependability, qualities that are highly valued in relationships and communities.

Those with the name Jokneam are believed to be devoted and committed individuals who prioritize the well-being of others. They are seen as pillars of strength and stability, always willing to offer a helping hand and provide comfort to those in need. Overall, the name Jokneam reflects a sense of loyalty, steadfastness, and dedication that are admired by those around them.

Origin: Biblical

Possessing, or building up, of the people. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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