Jeshishai - girls name

Jeshishai name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Jeshishai name meaning:

The name Jeshishai is of Hebrew origin and is a unique and rare name for a girl. The meaning of the name Jeshishai is not widely known or documented, but some sources suggest that it could have a variety of interpretations. One possible meaning is "gift of God" or "God's gift," which signifies a special and precious blessing from a higher power. Another interpretation could be "joyful" or "happy," reflecting a personality that brings positivity and cheer to those around her.

Overall, the name Jeshishai conveys a sense of divine favor and happiness, suggesting that the girl who bears this name is a cherished and beloved individual. It carries a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in life, as well as a joyful and upbeat attitude that brings light and warmth to others.

Origin: Biblical

Ancient, rejoicing exceedingly.

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