Jacqui - girls name

Jacqui name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Jacqui name meaning:

The name Jacqui is a girl's name of French origin, serving as a diminutive form of Jacqueline. Its roots trace back to Jacques, the French variant of James or Jacob, which means "supplanter" or "holder of the heel" in Hebrew. The name Jacqui carries with it a sense of uniqueness and charm, often associated with someone who is adventurous, independent, and possesses a vibrant personality.

Jacqui, with its soft and melodic sound, embodies a sense of sophistication and elegance, making it a popular choice for parents who are looking for a name that is both distinctive and timeless. The name suggests an individual who is creative, confident, and ready to take on the world with grace and determination. It's a name that fits a variety of personality types, from the introspective and thoughtful to the bold and outgoing.

Origin: Hebrew

Form of Jacqueline. One who supplants.

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