Ilda - girls name

Ilda name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Ilda name meaning:

The name Ilda is of Germanic origin, derived from the German name Hilda, which itself comes from the word "hild," meaning "battle." It carries the connotation of a warrior or one who is ready for battle, symbolizing strength, resilience, and bravery. This name has been popular in various European cultures and languages, with its meaning remaining consistently tied to its warrior roots.

Over the years, the name Ilda has been associated with a feminine charm coupled with a strong, indomitable spirit. It reflects an intertwining of grace and power, suggesting that the bearer of this name possesses both a gentle heart and a fierce will. The name Ilda is celebrated for its historical depth and the noble qualities it embodies, making it a cherished choice for a girl who is expected to grow with strength, courage, and dignity.

Origin: German


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