Idalah - girls name

Idalah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Idalah name meaning:

The name Idalah is of Spanish origin and is derived from the biblical name Adaliah, meaning "ornament of God" or "God is just." This name carries a beautiful and profound meaning, symbolizing a strong connection to spirituality and divine guidance. Girls named Idalah are often seen as special and unique individuals, who bring a sense of grace and elegance to those around them.

Those with the name Idalah are believed to possess a natural sense of empathy and compassion, making them caring and nurturing individuals. They are often drawn to helping others and spreading kindness in the world. The name Idalah also signifies a strong sense of justice and fairness, indicating that girls with this name may have a strong moral compass and a desire to stand up for what is right. Overall, the name Idalah carries a sense of beauty, strength, and righteousness, making it a meaningful and impactful choice for a girl's name.

Origin: Biblical

The hand of slander, or of cursing. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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