Hortense - girls name

Hortense name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Hortense name meaning:

The name Hortense is of Latin origin and has a French influence. It is derived from the Latin word "hortus," meaning "garden." The name Hortense, therefore, carries the connotation of a flourishing garden or an abundance of beauty and fertility. It is a feminine name that reflects qualities of nature, growth, and life.

In terms of personality traits associated with the name Hortense, individuals with this name are often described as nurturing, caring, and loving. They have a strong connection to nature and possess a deep appreciation for the beauty and wonders of the world around them. Hortense represents a person who has the ability to bring life and joy to others, much like a blossoming garden does.

Overall, the name Hortense symbolizes the essence of growth, beauty, and nurturing qualities. It is a name that carries a sense of abundance and positive energy, making it an excellent choice for parents seeking a name that reflects nature and its bountiful wonders.

Origin: English

Garden. Variant of Hortensia: Derived from the feminine form of the Roman clan name Hortensius.


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