Hippothoe - girls name

Hippothoe name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Hippothoe name meaning:

The name Hippothoe carries a rich mythological heritage and an evocative meaning rooted in ancient Greek culture. Literally translating to "swift mare" or "fleet mare," from the Greek words "hippos" meaning "horse" and "theo" meaning "running" or "swift," the name embodies qualities of speed, grace, and strength. This imagery of a swift mare galloping freely captures a sense of beauty, agility, and freedom, qualities that might be aspirationally bestowed upon a girl bearing this name.

In Greek mythology, Hippothoe is a name attributed to several characters, most notably a Nereid or sea nymph, and a daughter of Mestor and Lysidice, who was noted for her beauty and strength. These mythological associations imbue the name with a layer of cultural significance, linking it to tales of heroism, beauty, and the mystical qualities of the sea. For a girl named Hippothoe, her name not only conveys a sense of elegance and potency but also connects her to a rich tapestry of stories and meanings that have been cherished through the millennia.

Origin: Latin

An Amazon.

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