Hagar - girls name

Hagar name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Hagar name meaning:

The name Hagar is of Hebrew origin and means "flight" or "a stranger." In the Bible, Hagar was the Egyptian handmaid of Sarah, who was given to Abraham to bear a child when Sarah was unable to conceive. Hagar's story is one of resilience and strength, as she faced hardships and challenges but ultimately persevered. She is seen as a symbol of endurance and faith.

Individuals named Hagar are often described as independent, determined, and resourceful. They possess a strong sense of self and are not afraid to face obstacles head-on. Hagar is a name that carries a sense of wanderlust and adventure, as well as an inner strength that allows one to navigate through life's challenges with grace and courage.

Origin: Biblical

A stranger, one that fears.

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