Gabbatha - girls name

Gabbatha name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Gabbatha name meaning:

The name Gabbatha is of Aramaic origin and is believed to mean "elevated" or "high place". In the Bible, Gabbatha is the name of the place where Pontius Pilate sat in judgment over Jesus before his crucifixion. It is mentioned in the Gospel of John as the location where Jesus was presented to the crowd, with Pilate declaring "Behold the man!" to the onlookers.

The name Gabbatha carries symbolic significance as a place of judgment and decision-making. It conveys a sense of authority and power, as well as a sense of being set apart or elevated above others. For parents choosing this name for their daughter, it may reflect a desire for her to possess qualities of strength, leadership, and a strong sense of self.

Origin: Biblical

High, elevated. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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