Eshtemoa - girls name

Eshtemoa name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Eshtemoa name meaning:

The name Eshtemoa is of Hebrew origin and is believed to mean "obedient" or "listening." It is a unique and beautiful name that carries a sense of obedience and attentiveness. Girls with the name Eshtemoa are often known for their ability to listen and follow instructions well. They are usually obedient and respectful individuals who value authority and tradition.

People with the name Eshtemoa are often seen as reliable and responsible individuals who can be depended upon to carry out tasks efficiently. They are known for their patience and understanding nature, making them great listeners and advisors. Overall, the name Eshtemoa carries a positive connotation of obedience and attentiveness, reflecting the qualities of the individuals who bear this name.

Origin: Biblical

The bosom of a woman.

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