Eluned - girls name

Eluned name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Eluned name meaning:

The name Eluned is of Welsh origin and holds a deep and beautiful meaning. Eluned is derived from the Welsh word "eiliwedd," which means "image" or "likeness." Therefore, the name Eluned can be interpreted as "a beautiful image" or "a fair likeness." This name carries connotations of beauty, grace, and charm.

Eluned is also associated with a legendary figure in Welsh folklore. In the tales of the Mabinogion, Eluned is described as a beautiful and intelligent woman who possesses mystical qualities. She is often portrayed as strong-willed and resourceful, overcoming challenges and obstacles with her wit and determination.

Overall, the name Eluned holds a significance that goes beyond its literal meaning. It represents a sense of beauty, elegance, and inner strength. Choosing this name for a girl can be seen as an homage to Welsh culture and mythology, as well as a celebration of the qualities associated with Eluned herself.

Origin: Welsh

From Cilun meaning idol.

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