Demas - girls name

Demas name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Demas name meaning:

The name Demas is of Greek origin and means "popular" or "people's victor." It is a strong and unique name that carries a sense of leadership and charisma. When applied to a girl, the name Demas can symbolize confidence, independence, and a strong sense of self. It may suggest a young woman who is well-liked and respected by others, someone who has a natural ability to bring people together and lead them towards success.

Girls named Demas may possess a magnetic personality and an innate charm that draws others to them. They may excel in social settings and have a knack for building strong relationships with those around them. Overall, the name Demas for a girl conveys a sense of empowerment and influence, suggesting a young woman who is destined for great things.

Origin: Biblical


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