Dannah - girls name

Dannah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Dannah name meaning:

The name Dannah is of Hebrew origin, and it means "God is my judge." The name signifies a strong connection to one's faith and belief in a higher power. Those named Dannah are often seen as wise and fair individuals, capable of making sound judgments and decisions. They are guided by their moral compass and seek to uphold justice and righteousness in all aspects of their lives.

Individuals with the name Dannah are often seen as compassionate and empathetic towards others, always striving to help those in need and bring peace and harmony to their surroundings. They are known for their integrity and honesty, making them trustworthy and reliable friends and confidants. Overall, the name Dannah carries with it a sense of divine guidance and moral strength, shaping the character of those who bear it.

Origin: Biblical

Judging. God will judge.

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