Chorazin - girls name

Chorazin name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Chorazin name meaning:

Chorazin is a Hebrew name that means "secret" or "hidden." It is said to represent someone who is mysterious, enigmatic, and possibly with hidden talents or qualities. People with the name Chorazin are believed to have a deep inner world and may possess a reserved or introverted nature. They are often perceived as intriguing and alluring individuals who keep their true selves concealed from others.

Those named Chorazin are thought to have a strong sense of intuition and may be gifted with psychic abilities or a heightened sense of awareness. They are seen as being able to see beyond the surface and comprehend things that others may overlook. Overall, the name Chorazin signifies a person who is complex, multifaceted, and intriguing, with depths that are not readily apparent to those around them.

Origin: Biblical

The secret, here is a mystery. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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