Cenchrea - girls name

Cenchrea name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Cenchrea name meaning:

The name Cenchrea is of Greek origin and means "millet" or "millet seed." In ancient times, millet was an important grain that was used for food and in religious ceremonies. Millet was also believed to have medicinal properties and was used as a natural remedy for various ailments. The name Cenchrea is uncommon and unique, making it a special choice for a baby girl.

Choosing the name Cenchrea for a girl can symbolize abundance, growth, and fertility. It can also represent strength, resilience, and versatility, as millet is a hardy crop that can thrive in diverse environments. Overall, the name Cenchrea carries a sense of history and tradition, while also embodying qualities of nourishment and perseverance.

Origin: Biblical

Millet, small pulse. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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