Carissima - girls name

Carissima name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Carissima name meaning:

The name Carissima is of Italian origin, and it beautifully translates to "dearest" or "most beloved" in English. This name carries a profound sense of warmth, affection, and importance, making it an exquisite choice for a girl. The use of Carissima as a given name underscores a deep familial affection or a wish for the child to be forever cherished and loved.

Carissima evokes a sense of unparalleled love and value, suggesting that the bearer is held in the highest esteem and affection by those who named her. This name is not just a label, but a declaration of one's cherished status within the family or community. The emotional weight and cultural depth of Carissima make it a unique and meaningful choice for a girl's name, embodying a wish for her to always feel loved and important throughout her life.

Origin: Latin


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