Brangwen - girls name

Brangwen name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Brangwen name meaning:

The name Brangwen is of Welsh origin and is said to mean "raven" or "black crow." In Celtic mythology, the raven is often seen as a symbol of intelligence, transformation, and mystery. Therefore, a girl named Brangwen may be seen as someone who is wise beyond her years, adaptable to change, and possesses a sense of enigma.

In D.H. Lawrence's novel "Women in Love," Ursula Brangwen is a central character who embodies strength, independence, and a deep connection to nature. The name Brangwen may also indicate a link to the earth and a strong sense of intuition. Overall, a girl named Brangwen may be perceived as someone who is introspective, perceptive, and possesses a deep understanding of the world around her.

Origin: Welsh

Dark and pure.

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