Bethesda - girls name

Bethesda name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Bethesda name meaning:

The name Bethesda is of Hebrew origin and means "house of mercy" or "place of kindness." It is a beautiful and meaningful name that conveys a sense of compassion and grace. In the Bible, Bethesda was a pool in Jerusalem known for its healing properties, making the name even more significant in its association with healing and mercy.

For a girl named Bethesda, this name can symbolize her nurturing and caring nature, as well as her ability to bring comfort and solace to those around her. It can also serve as a reminder to always show kindness and compassion towards others, embodying the spirit of the name itself. Overall, Bethesda is a lovely and meaningful name that carries with it a message of love, mercy, and grace.

Origin: Biblical

House of pity or mercy. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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