Beth-birei - girls name

Beth-birei name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Beth-birei name meaning:

The name Beth-birei is of Hebrew origin and its meaning is "house of my Creator" or "house of my wellspring". It is a combination of two words - "Beth" which means house, and "birei" which means Creator or wellspring. This name is symbolic of a place of spiritual or emotional nourishment, a place where one can find solace, comfort, and renewal.

Those named Beth-birei are often seen as compassionate, nurturing, and spiritually inclined individuals who have a strong connection to their inner self and to their faith. They may be drawn to creative pursuits, healing practices, or roles that involve caring for others. The name Beth-birei carries a sense of protection and guidance, suggesting that those who bear it may have a special purpose in helping others find their own spiritual or emotional well-being.

Origin: Biblical

The house of my Creator, the house of my health. Non-gerderized Biblical name.

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