Bertha - girls name

Bertha name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Bertha name meaning:

The name Bertha is of German origin and has multiple meanings and interpretations. One possible meaning is "bright" or "famous," derived from the Germanic elements "beraht" and "berht." It can also be linked to the Old High German word "beraht," which means "shining" or "brilliant." Another interpretation of the name Bertha is "bright one" or "glorious," suggesting a radiant, luminous personality.

Historically, the name Bertha gained popularity in the 19th century and was often associated with strong-willed and assertive women. Although it may not be as commonly used nowadays, Bertha still holds a sense of vintage charm and strength. In literature and folklore, Bertha is sometimes portrayed as a wise and independent character. Overall, the name Bertha carries connotations of brightness, fame, and resilience, making it a significant choice for parents seeking a name with a rich historical background and strong meaning.

Origin: English



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