Bathsuha - girls name

Bathsuha name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Bathsuha name meaning:

The name Bathsheba is of Hebrew origin and means "daughter of the oath" or "daughter of abundance." In the Bible, Bathsheba is known as the wife of King David and the mother of King Solomon. She is often portrayed as a beautiful and virtuous woman who plays a significant role in the history of Israel.

The name Bathsheba carries connotations of loyalty, faithfulness, and abundance. It symbolizes a strong and virtuous woman who is dedicated to her family and her beliefs. Those with the name Bathsheba may embody qualities such as grace, wisdom, and resilience. Overall, the name Bathsheba is rich in meaning and history, representing a woman of great character and strength.

Origin: Biblical

The seventh daughter; the daughter of satiety.

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