Asenath - girls name

Asenath name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Asenath name meaning:

The name Asenath is of Egyptian origin and carries significant meaning. In the Bible, Asenath was the wife of Joseph, a biblical figure known for his wisdom and interpretation of dreams. Asenath's name is often interpreted as "belonging to Neith," with Neith being an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with war and hunting.

The name Asenath signifies strength, power, and independence. It represents a woman who is confident in her abilities and possesses a strong sense of self. Asenath is often seen as a visionary and a leader, someone who is not afraid to challenge societal norms and make her mark in the world. With its rich historical and cultural connotations, the name Asenath carries a sense of mystery and uniqueness, making it an intriguing choice for parents looking for a name that stands out.

Origin: Biblical

Peril, misfortune. Joseph's Egyptian wife.

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