Abril - girls name

Abril name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 17%

Abril name meaning:

The name Abril is of Spanish origin and is derived from the word "abril," which means "April" in English. April is the fourth month of the year and is associated with the arrival of spring in many cultures. As a name, Abril carries the same connotations of renewal, growth, and fresh beginnings. It is a vibrant and energetic name that brings to mind the blossoming of flowers, the warmth of the sun, and the awakening of nature after a long winter.

People named Abril are often seen as optimistic, cheerful, and full of life. They have a zest for exploration and adventure, and their lively spirit can inspire those around them. The name Abril also symbolizes the importance of embracing change and embracing new opportunities. It represents a sense of hopefulness and a belief in the possibility of transformation and growth. Overall, the name Abril is a beautiful and meaningful choice for a girl that captures the essence of spring and all the positivity it brings.

Origin: Spanish

The month April, symbolizes spring.

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Overall UK ranking: 4634 out of 5581

4 recorded births last year

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