Aasiya - girls name

Aasiya name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 61%

Aasiya name meaning:

The name Aasiya has its roots in Arabic, where it holds significant meaning and cultural weight. It is derived from the Arabic word "آسية," which translates to “one who tends to the weak and heals,” or “one who mends.” This name carries connotations of compassion, care, and nurturing, highlighting an inherent trait of looking after those in need and healing those who are broken. It is a name that embodies kindness, empathy, and a healing touch, making it a beautiful and meaningful choice for a girl.

Aasiya also has historical significance in Islamic tradition, being the name of one of the most revered women. Aasiya bint Muzahim is known as the wife of Pharaoh in Islamic tradition but is celebrated for her faith, courage, and defiance of her tyrant husband in favor of supporting Moses. She is often cited as an example of supreme faith and character, making the name Aasiya not just a representation of compassion and healing, but also of strength, resilience, and righteousness. It is a name that carries with it a legacy of empowerment and moral integrity.


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Overall UK ranking: 2201 out of 5581

12 recorded births last year

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