Zalmon - boys name

Zalmon name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Zalmon name meaning:

The name Zalmon is of Hebrew origin and means "shady" or "dark." It is a unique and strong name that carries a sense of mystery and depth. In Hebrew culture, names often carry significant meanings and are believed to shape the identity and destiny of the individual. Those named Zalmon are thought to possess qualities of strength, resilience, and determination.

For a boy named Zalmon, he may be seen as someone who is enigmatic, calm, and thoughtful. This name suggests a sense of protection and shelter, as if he is a guiding light in dark times. Zalmon is a name that commands attention and respect, as it carries with it a sense of power and authority. Overall, the name Zalmon conveys a sense of depth and complexity, making it a fitting choice for a boy who is unique and special in his own way.

Origin: Biblical

His shade; his image.

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