Phanuel - boys name

Phanuel name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Phanuel name meaning:

The name Phanuel is of Hebrew origin and means "the face of God" or "vision of God." In the Bible, Phanuel is mentioned in the Book of Luke as a devout man who was present at the presentation of Jesus in the temple. The name Phanuel signifies a deep connection to spirituality and divine guidance. Those who are given this name are often seen as individuals who seek a higher purpose and strive for a closer relationship with God.

People named Phanuel are believed to possess a strong sense of intuition and insight, as well as a deep understanding of the spiritual realm. They are likely to be guided by their faith and seek to live a life in accordance with their beliefs. Overall, the name Phanuel is associated with a profound sense of spiritual connection and a desire to seek God's presence in all aspects of life.

Origin: Biblical

Face or vision of God.

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