Mehir - boys name

Mehir name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Mehir name meaning:

The name Mehir is of Hebrew origin and it means "price" or "compensation". It is a unique and meaningful name that carries connotations of value and worth. In Hebrew culture, names often have significant meanings that reflect the hopes and aspirations of the parents for their child. Mehir could symbolize the idea of the child being a precious gift or a valuable addition to the family.

The name Mehir may also suggest that the child is seen as a blessing or a reward for something significant in the parents' lives. It could represent a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the child's presence in their lives. Overall, the name Mehir is a powerful and meaningful choice that conveys a sense of value, importance, and gratitude for the child.

Origin: Biblical

A reward.

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