Joshaviah - boys name

Joshaviah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Joshaviah name meaning:

Joshaviah is a unique and uncommon name of Hebrew origin. The name is a combination of two words, "Joshua," meaning "God is salvation," and "Yah," a shortened form of Yahweh, the Hebrew name for God. Therefore, the name Joshaviah can be interpreted as "God is salvation" or "Yahweh saves." This name carries a powerful and positive message of trust and faith in God's ability to bring salvation and deliverance in times of need.

Individuals with the name Joshaviah are likely to possess strong spiritual beliefs and a deep connection to their faith. They may also embody qualities such as courage, resilience, and a sense of purpose in life. Overall, the name Joshaviah conveys a sense of divine protection and guidance, suggesting that those who bear this name may be destined for a life filled with blessings and divine interventions.

Origin: Biblical

The seat, alteration, or captivity of the Lord.

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