Jobab - boys name

Jobab name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Jobab name meaning:

The name Jobab is of Hebrew origin and appears in the Bible, lending it a historical and religious significance. In biblical context, Jobab is mentioned several times as the name of several minor characters. Among them, one Jobab was a king of Edom and another was a son of Joktan, whose descendants are said to have lived in the Arabian Peninsula. The name is sometimes interpreted to mean "a desert" or "howling," though interpretations can vary based on the source.

Despite its ancient origins, the name Jobab is relatively uncommon today. For those who choose it, the name can signify a deep connection to religious texts and a reverence for historical lineage. It embodies a sense of uniqueness and might also reflect a desire to honor cultural or religious heritage, making it a meaningful choice for a boy's name in the right context.

Origin: Biblical

Sorrowful, hated.

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