Iseabail - boys name

Iseabail name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Iseabail name meaning:

Iseabail is the Scottish Gaelic form of the name Isabel or Isabella, which in itself is derived from the name Elizabeth. Traditionally, it has been used primarily as a girl's name rather than a boy's. The name has Hebrew origins, coming from Elisheba, which means "God is my oath." Over the centuries, it has evolved through various languages and cultures to take the forms we recognize today.

The choice of Iseabail for a boy's name is unconventional and would stand out due to its traditional gender association. In contemporary times, there is a growing trend towards using names that blur traditional gender lines, reflecting changing attitudes towards gender identity and expression. Iseabail, with its rich historical backdrop and beautiful meaning, could be seen as a unique and meaningful choice for a boy, emphasizing the importance of individuality and the personal significance of a name over conventional gender norms.

Origin: Hebrew

Devoted to God.

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