Hillel - boys name

Hillel name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Hillel name meaning:

The name Hillel is of Hebrew origin and holds significant meaning. Hillel means "praise" or "praised one" in Hebrew. It is derived from the Hebrew word "halal" which means "to praise" or "to shine." The name Hillel carries a sense of honor, admiration, and recognition.

In Jewish tradition, Hillel is also the name of one of the most esteemed and influential figures in Jewish history. Hillel the Elder was a renowned Jewish scholar who lived during the time of King Herod and the Roman Empire. He is known for his compassionate and inclusive teachings, as well as for his contributions to Jewish law and ethics.

Boys named Hillel might inherit the qualities associated with this name. They may be seen as individuals who possess a natural ability to inspire and uplift others. They may be admired for their wisdom, kindness, and ability to bring people together. The name Hillel carries a legacy of praise and respect, symbolizing the potential for greatness and the ability to positively impact the lives of others.

Origin: Biblical

He that praises.

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