Harrell - boys name

Harrell name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Harrell name meaning:

The name Harrell is a boy's name of English origin, primarily considered to be a variant of the surname Harrell, which in turn may be derived from either Harold or Harald. The name Harold is of Scandinavian and Old English origin, meaning "army ruler" or "leader of the army." This roots back to the significance of leadership and strength in ancient society, where names were often given to reflect desired characteristics or the roles individuals were hoped to fulfill within their community.

Harrell carries with it a sense of nobility and strength, echoing the leadership qualities of its origins. It suggests a person who is strong-willed, capable of leadership, and has a commanding presence. While it is relatively uncommon as a first name, Harrell maintains a classic and timeless appeal, offering a unique choice for parents seeking a name with historical depth and a strong, traditional connotation. Its rarity as a given name adds to its unique charm, making it a distinctive option for a modern child.

Origin: Hebrew

Mountain of God.

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