Gemalli - boys name

Gemalli name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Gemalli name meaning:

The name Gemalli is of Hebrew origin, typically found within Jewish communities or among those with a penchant for biblical names. The meaning of Gemalli can be interpreted as "my camel" or "camel of God," deriving from the Hebrew root words for "camel" (gamal) and the possessive or divine suffix "i" indicating "my" or belonging to God. This name reflects the significant role camels have played in ancient Middle Eastern societies, not just as a mode of transportation but also as a symbol of wealth, endurance, and prosperity.

In the Bible, Gemalli is mentioned in the context of genealogies. Specifically, in the Book of Numbers (13:12), Gemalli is noted as the father of Ammiel, one of the spies sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. Though not widely common, the name carries with it a sense of antiquity, and religious and cultural heritage, making it a unique choice for a boy's name in modern times.

Choosing the name Gemalli might reflect a family's respect for biblical tradition, love for unique names with deep meanings, or an appreciation for the virtues symbolized by the camel such as resilience and perseverance. It encapsulates a blend of spiritual significance and historical depth, offering a rich tapestry of cultural identity and personal meaning.

Origin: Biblical

Wares, a camel.

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