Elishah - boys name

Elishah name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Elishah name meaning:

The name Elishah has various meanings, depending on its origin. In the Bible, Elishah is mentioned as one of the sons of Javan and grandson of Japheth, making it a biblical name. In this context, Elishah is believed to represent a people or a region, possibly referring to the ancient city of Elis in Greece. Therefore, the name Elishah can be associated with qualities such as strength, vitality, and beauty, as Greece was renowned for its cultural and physical attributes.

On the other hand, Elishah can also have Hebrew origins, where it is derived from the name Elisha. In Hebrew, Elisha means "God is salvation" or "my God is salvation". This interpretation highlights the spiritual and divine nature of the name, suggesting that individuals named Elishah may possess qualities such as faith, trust, and a connection to the divine. Overall, the name Elishah carries a sense of strength, beauty, and salvation, whether from a historical or biblical perspective, making it a meaningful and impactful name choice for a boy.

Origin: Biblical

It is God, the lamb of God, God that gives help.

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