Elemer - boys name

Elemer name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Elemer name meaning:

The name Elemer is of Hungarian origin and is traditionally a masculine name. It is derived from the Old Hungarian name Elemér, which can be broken down into two elements: "elem," meaning "element, part, or beginning," and "er," which can mean "man" or "army." Therefore, the name Elemer carries the meaning of "strong" or "man of elements," suggesting a person who is fundamental, powerful, or possibly even a leader in his domain.

Elemer is not a common name outside of Hungary, which gives it a unique and exotic flair in other countries. People with this name are often perceived as having strong personalities, leadership qualities, and a profound connection to their heritage and roots. The uniqueness of the name can also symbolize individuality and the significance of staying true to one's background and principles.

Origin: German

Awe inspiring.

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