Chizkiya - boys name

Chizkiya name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Chizkiya name meaning:

The name Chizkiya, often spelled as Hezekiah in English, has its roots in Hebrew and is deeply embedded in biblical tradition. Its meaning can be broken down from the original Hebrew "חִזְקִיָּהוּ" (Chizkiyahu), where "חָזַק" (chazak) means "to strengthen" and "יָהּ" (Yah) is a short form of "יהוה" (YHWH), the name of God in the Hebrew Bible. Therefore, Chizkiya can be interpreted to mean "God has strengthened" or "Yahweh strengthens."

This name is not just a collection of sounds but carries with it a spiritual expectation and heritage. Chizkiya is a testament to a hope or prayer from the parents for their child - that God will endow the child with strength and support throughout his life. It’s a name that resonates with faith, resilience, and divine assistance, reflecting a profound connection between human life and spiritual belief. In history, Hezekiah was a king of Judah known for his religious reforms and dedication to God, which adds a layer of historical significance and role modeling to the name.

Origin: Hebrew

Variant of Chizkiah: God enriches.

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Chizkiah , Chizkia, Chizkiya, Chizkiyahu

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