Chetzron - boys name

Chetzron name popularity, meaning and origin

Name Popularity: 0%

Chetzron name meaning:

The name Chetzron, also spelled as Hezron, is of Hebrew origin, stemming from the Bible. It is derived from the Hebrew name חֶצְרוֹן (Ḥeṣrôn), which means "enclosed" or "surrounded by a wall." This name can be found in the Old Testament as the name of a character who was a grandson of Judah and the founder of the Hezronite clan. Chetzron is a name that carries with it a sense of protection, safety, and distinction, reflecting the idea of being protected or enclosed by something greater.

Despite its ancient origins, the name Chetzron is not commonly used in modern times, making it a unique choice for a boy's name. Parents who choose this name for their son might be attracted to its biblical roots, its unique sound, or the meaning behind the name, suggesting a sense of strong personal boundaries, security, and a deep connection to heritage. Chetzron could be a meaningful choice for families looking for a name with historical depth and a unique identity.

Origin: Hebrew

From the walled town.

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